On Killing a Tree

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By Gieve Patel

It is premeditated murder — no two ways about it.

Stanza 1

“It takes much time to kill a tree,

Not a simple jab of the knife

I will do it. It has grown

Slowly consuming the earth,

Rising out of it, feeding

Upon its crust, absorbing

Years of sunlight, air, water,

And out of its leprous hide

Sprouting leaves.”

Stanza 2

“So hack and chop

But this alone wont do it.

Not so much pain will do it.

The bleeding bark will heal

And from close to the ground

Will rise curled green twigs,

Miniature boughs

Which if unchecked will expand again

To former size.”

Stanza 3


The root is to be pulled out –

Out of the anchoring earth;

It is to be roped, tied,

And pulled out – snapped out

Or pulled out entirely,

Out from the earth-cave,

And the strength of the tree exposed,

The source, white and wet,

The most sensitive, hidden

For years inside the earth.”

Stanza 4

“Then the matter

Of scorching and choking

In the sun and air,

Browning, hardening,

Twisting, withering,

And then it is done.”